Message. now we see! what happens to this day that we all know, the H1N1 virus that makes all countries to keep visitors from various countries who come in every airport. WHO says health H1N1 virus diseases are no 5 in the world. H1N1 virus has spread to Asia in

Oral Sex Cancer VS Mouth

11.06 Edit This

Oral Sex Cancer VS Mouth

Oral Sex Causes Cancer
Do you know that oral sexual activity can cause the occurrence of oral cancer? A research of The John Hopkins University School of Medicine scientists said that oral sex activity is a way to change its pro human papillomavirus (HPV) the virus that causes the occurrence of cancer servik from servik to the mouth that can its emergence as a mouth cancer.

A study also revealed the number of people with mouth cancer every year is growing for ten years, even beyond cancer and testis cancer servik itself. Average people are those aged under 45 years where the sexual activity they are high.

Although oral sex is one of the causes of mouth cancer but you need not worry too, because the risk of mouth cancer most transmissible ople. Instead of cigarettes to be still the main factor for a mouth cancer in addition to alcohol. Both are at risk 30 times higher cause mouth cancer than oral sex. But it's good you keep watch, stay faithful and not ber gant-pair change in the sexual relationship is the best way to avoid yourself from mouth cancer. Other way is first to me rikasa me and yourself a pair to the clinic for dental and gum do STD tests or oral health checks to Ensure that you or does not carry the HPV virus. This is done mainly for couples who want to get married.

Vaccination is also an alternative to its most transmissible virus prevention of HPV, HPV vaccination, but only for women, especially young women, while for men only can do servik cancer preventive vaccination through injection is carried out for 6 months with the cost be calculated expensive.

Historical Sexual couples
Not sure sexual history with the pair still sometimes make you feel safe does not make oral sex even though the results of tests that you both do not carry the HPV virus. For that does not have one if you use a condom or guardian when making oral sex. Although the way is not a fun way of life for you and your sexual partner, but better play safe rather than treatment?

More early detection of oral cancer can increase the level of success of treatment. Waspada if injuries occur around the memory of the Brantas mouth never healed after three weeks, or the emergence bump bump an an-small around the mouth, red and white. Immediately contact your doctor immediately if you experience its most transmissible cancer indications in your mouth.

Health Vagina Women
