Message. now we see! what happens to this day that we all know, the H1N1 virus that makes all countries to keep visitors from various countries who come in every airport. WHO says health H1N1 virus diseases are no 5 in the world. H1N1 virus has spread to Asia in

Want to do Baby, Wash Vagina with Soda?

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Want to do Baby, Wash Vagina with Soda?

T. I want to have baby boys. Is there a way so that I can get a male baby? I was told to clean the vagina with a soda if you want to son, and if you want to use vinegar daughter, what this is?

J. Quite correct that the nature of basa and acidity in the womb and the womb neck can pengaruhi sperm. Unfortunately, cleaning the vagina to rinse only alter the nature of acid and basa vagina and does not affect the nature of acid and basa womb and uterus neck. I would not recommend this method and is not 100% successful.

To select the gender, there are methods such as clinical or micro-election when the position have sex enough to help. However, all this method does not work 100% and there are some methods that are prohibited in some countries because of laws against gender selection.

Recognize "Pelicin" For Women
Not a secret anymore that the condition of the vagina is too "dry" can cause problems when exposed intimate. Therefore required "pelicin" (lubricant) to facilitate penetration.

Normally, inflame the situation, women's intimate organs remove the fluids or also called the term lubrikasi. However, there are some conditions that make it not smooth, because of factors such as infection around the vagina, lack of stimulus, or also because of factors menopause.

Use lubricant to make the sexual relationship was already very old, even in the book of Kamasutra has been Recorded. Use of lubricant is very easy, living in the vagina be smeared when intimate akan related. After, immediately wash clean.

There are many types of lubricant that is sold freely in the market, with all the advantages and less to it. Next of them:

1st Petroleum base
Lubricant with a petroleum base material is not recommended. Lubricant was likely mengiritasi vagina, can reduce the ability of sperm cells fertilize eggs, very not recommended to use the couple who want to be the occurrence of fertilization. After the paste in the vagina, with the lubricant base material is also difficult to be washed.

2. Oil base
Lubricant This natural oil-based, such as vegetable oil, to secure for the vagina. However, the use of this type of lubricant can reduce the ability of sperm so it is not recommended for couples who yearn pregnancy. In addition, primarily because of oil, lubricant is also difficult to be washed after the stick in the vagina.

3. Water base
Lubricant type this relatively secure until the recommended usage. Why are most secure? Because this type of lubricant from the processed water diionisasi and is not toxic nontoksik alias, and does not cause allergies and irritation invite. Lubricant type is usually slightly sweet taste and safe if swallowed. Even as the Variations, there are some brands that add flavor, taste like strawberry and orange.

4. Silicon base
Basically Silicon-based lubricant with a water-based lubricant. In addition to safe and does not cause irritation, this type of lubricant have the advantages of waterproof / water resistant. Lubricant, but this price is relatively more expensive, to the less popular.

Health Vagina Women
