Message. now we see! what happens to this day that we all know, the H1N1 virus that makes all countries to keep visitors from various countries who come in every airport. WHO says health H1N1 virus diseases are no 5 in the world. H1N1 virus has spread to Asia in

Tips and Tricks Caring for Organ Intim

11.18 Edit This

Tips and Tricks Caring for Organ Intim

Many women do know how to treat organ intimnya to stay awake to clean it. But do not know how rare that is the risk.
Should, without caring intimate organ germs do day-to-day began to sleep and wake up the morning bath. Area around the vagina must be cleaned with soap, as well as other parts of the body. Clean organ intimate women do not need to for an in to it, just on the outside surface of the vagina only.
Most important, areas around the stove before vagina dress. For, sure when dried, will cause shorts that used to be wet and humid. Besides the uncomfortable, humid and wet pants potentially invite bacteria and fungi.
In some women, who have deliberately powder to sprinkle in the vagina and surrounding area. The goal is to be his intimate organs become fragrant and dry throughout the day. The way it is not advisable due to possible powder will gather at the Fold between the vagina which is difficult to affordable clean hands.
When you left, powder piles long run this will invite bacteria. This is because the structure of the vagina with a lot of bending (rugae), so it is recommended to rinse and wipe the vagina, especially after carefully dispose of urine. This is intended to prevent the remaining water to its ter stay urine or other excreta. After that, dry vagina using a small towel or tissue. When the trousers in the infected urine cipratan water or rinse water, try to be replaced with dry pants. The most good, is provided in the pants in the bag Wherever change is also to guard.
Pants involved in determining the health of organs intimate. Material from both the cotton, because it can completely absorb sweat.
Pants in satin or other Synthetic material, thus causing organ initim be hot and humid.
Outdoor fabrics also need to be a woman. Material from the jeans have a pore-pore is a meeting, so it was not possible in the water to flow freely.
Skirt or trousers of cloth is recommended, especially for women who are experiencing menstruation and fat. Blood during menstruation out of the area around the vagina to become more humid than usual. To that must also be more careful than usual on the day.
Ideally, the dressing is replaced each time period and finished bath waste water even though this is a small practice difficult.
It is recommended to change the bandage 4-5 times a day the blood of menstruation are many-many. When the days of the last period, just change the dressing 3 times a day on the morning, afternoon and evening.
Note menstrual blood is an ideal place for the growth of bacteria and fungi and causes keputihan infection. If one day continue to use the same band will be replaced without cause itching around the vagina Complaint.
If the itch is digaruk, can cause galling. If it can be galling to have contact with the menstrual blood of bacteria, can be ascertained akan mem per severe injury situation is.
Therefore, the intimate organ is a normal clean the period with more carefully.
It is recommended that women who are bleeding the soap, so feel free from itchy all day.
Use panty Liner
To reduce the Humidity in the area around the intimate organs of women, you should use a panty liner. A few days before and after menstruation, women usually experience an akan white to normal (not disease) as a result of the influence of hormones.
At such, the panty liner is to help reduce the feeling of damp and wet in the panties. As well as sanitary, panty liner also should not be used continuously from morning to afternoon. Panty liner should also be replaced by day at a glance, even if visible, dry and clean, because it can only panty liner in the face of an a there is liquid water remaining white to an attached or chew.
For, if not immediately replaced, then the bacteria and dirt akan contact with the back surface of the external vagina, and thus cause infection to an abnormal white.
Discharging continuously panty liner each day is also not recommended, because panty liner will cover the flow of water around so that the condition of the vagina become increasingly hot and humid.
Panty liner should not be used during the menstrual period but outside the time. Type what will be selected depending on the resilience of the skin and tastes of each woman. Clear that there are two options, namely that contains the scent and non perfume.
Usually, more women like panty liner with the scent. The reason they feel the intimate its organs become more like a fragrant powder.
Use of tissue to clean the vagina after the waste water does not make healthy small. This is because the tissue is not able to lift all the dirt that is still inherent in the intimate organ. In addition tisue also not sterile (germ free). It's made from tissue powder timber which can be tercemar mushrooms at the time of the process pembuatannya. Clean the vagina with water will be better than the tissue. It is important to remember that after the wash vagina after a small void, should be dried vagina, do not let the wet in the vagina. Or, if Forced to use a tissue, preferably a wet tissue at first because tissue does not dry out the remaining able to absorb urine and feces that stick around the vagina.
To clean the vagina with water should be done using a shower toilet. Per spray is an outside face of the vagina and slowly to scrub his hands with. Because with all the polish the dirt will be expected to quit the better. Once again the tissue should be used to rinse the surface after the outside of the vagina with water and only purpose is to dry. In this case, the use of tissue does not contain perfume, and white. Because the tissue that does not contain chemicals that can cause irritation to the vagina.
Most important condition of women's intimate organs must be dry. For if damp or wet place can be a pro will grow bacteria and fungus. To Ensure that the remains are dry, use panty liner or tissue. Happy trying!
Sanita More

Oral Sex Cancer VS Mouth

11.06 Edit This

Oral Sex Cancer VS Mouth

Oral Sex Causes Cancer
Do you know that oral sexual activity can cause the occurrence of oral cancer? A research of The John Hopkins University School of Medicine scientists said that oral sex activity is a way to change its pro human papillomavirus (HPV) the virus that causes the occurrence of cancer servik from servik to the mouth that can its emergence as a mouth cancer.

A study also revealed the number of people with mouth cancer every year is growing for ten years, even beyond cancer and testis cancer servik itself. Average people are those aged under 45 years where the sexual activity they are high.

Although oral sex is one of the causes of mouth cancer but you need not worry too, because the risk of mouth cancer most transmissible ople. Instead of cigarettes to be still the main factor for a mouth cancer in addition to alcohol. Both are at risk 30 times higher cause mouth cancer than oral sex. But it's good you keep watch, stay faithful and not ber gant-pair change in the sexual relationship is the best way to avoid yourself from mouth cancer. Other way is first to me rikasa me and yourself a pair to the clinic for dental and gum do STD tests or oral health checks to Ensure that you or does not carry the HPV virus. This is done mainly for couples who want to get married.

Vaccination is also an alternative to its most transmissible virus prevention of HPV, HPV vaccination, but only for women, especially young women, while for men only can do servik cancer preventive vaccination through injection is carried out for 6 months with the cost be calculated expensive.

Historical Sexual couples
Not sure sexual history with the pair still sometimes make you feel safe does not make oral sex even though the results of tests that you both do not carry the HPV virus. For that does not have one if you use a condom or guardian when making oral sex. Although the way is not a fun way of life for you and your sexual partner, but better play safe rather than treatment?

More early detection of oral cancer can increase the level of success of treatment. Waspada if injuries occur around the memory of the Brantas mouth never healed after three weeks, or the emergence bump bump an an-small around the mouth, red and white. Immediately contact your doctor immediately if you experience its most transmissible cancer indications in your mouth.

Sanita More

11.06 Edit This

TIPS AND Caring tauten
Natural breast

Most women who have delivered several times, even recently childbirth, is concerned with its breast. Do not worry this will happen if the mother knows how to treat as early as possible with good and regular. Breast is no longer fast triggered various reasons, including pregnancy. Network breasts swell during pregnancy will back off when no longer needed.
This process is called ivolusi breast, which occurred after wean the child or after childbirth for the mother who does not breastfeed. When the network's decline, the surrounding skin does not make it so that it took off and looked down melorot. With the passing of time, fat will come back to attend breast, but does not completely eliminate these lax to an.
It is important to note, saggy breast occur at both the mother who breast-feed or not. Factor penua also a share. Start an age-30 women's skin began to wane its elasticity, network software ride the breast gland and mamari experience degerasi.
Pen an gendor because most fast penua an experienced by women with big breasts ber. In addition, because obesity can also, a decrease in body weight dratis and the other is not known.
Key so that breast is still tight with tension and to maintain a strong musculature chest area, especially the muscles that act to sustain breast. Some of the steps that we can recommend the breast feel tight back are:

1. Improve muscle strength, muscle exercises with a virgin area. You can join a health club, or to their own movement is from the book or cassette. Lakuakan every day with the amount of calculation that the longer increasing.
2. Wear a mask consisting of breast havermot powder, milk powder and olive oil. To do: destroy havermot powder and water with the addition larutkan little by little. Then add milk powder and Poke until evenly mixed, then input into the olive oil mixture is quite se earlier. Use this herb in the breast that had been cleaned first, and still is for 15 minutes to 20 minutes, and wash clean. Do this once a week.
3. do not forget to consume a balanced nutrition.
Sanita More

How many women's health

11.01 Edit This

How many women's health

Many women do know how to treat his intimate organ to stay awake to clean it. But do not know how rare that is the risk.
Should, without caring intimate organ germs do day-to-day began to sleep and wake up the morning bath. Area around the vagina must be cleaned with soap, as well as other parts of the body. Clean organ intimate women do not need to to the part in it, just on the outside surface of the vagina only.
Most important, areas around the stove before vagina dress. For, sure when dried, will cause shorts that used to be wet and humid. Besides the uncomfortable, humid and wet pants, and potentially invite bacteria function.
In some women, who have deliberately powder to sprinkle in the vagina and surrounding area. The goal is to be his intimate organs become fragrant and dry throughout the day. The way it is not advisable due to possible powder will gather at the Fold between the vagina which is difficult to affordable clean hands.
When you left, powder piles long run this will invite bacteria. This is because the structure of the vagina with a lot of bending (rugae), so it is recommended to rinse and wipe the vagina, especially after carefully dispose of urine. This is intended to prevent the remaining water to its ter stay urine or other excreta. After that, dry vagina using a small towel or tissue. When the trousers in the infected urine cipratan water or rinse water, try to be replaced with dry pants. The most good, is provided in the pants in the bag Wherever change is also to guard.
Pants involved in determining the health of organs intimate. Material from both the cotton, because it can completely absorb sweat.
Pants in satin or other Synthetic material, thus causing organ initim be hot and humid.
Outdoor fabrics also need to be a woman. Material from the jeans have a pore-pore is a meeting, so it was not possible in the water to flow freely.
Skirt or trousers of cloth is recommended, especially for women who are experiencing menstruation and fat. Blood during menstruation out of the area around the vagina to become more humid than usual. To that must also be more careful than usual on the day.
Ideally, the dressing is replaced each time period and finished bath waste water even though this is a small practice difficult.
It is recommended to change the bandage 4-5 times a day the blood of menstruation are many-many. When the days of the last period, just change the dressing 3 times a day on the morning, afternoon and evening.
Note menstrual blood is an ideal place for the growth of bacteria and function and causes an infection to white. If one day continue to use the same band will be replaced without cause itching around the vagina Complaint.
If the itch is in garuk, can cause galling. If it can be galling to have contact with the menstrual blood of bacteria, can be ascertained per mem andinjury situation is worse.
Therefore, the intimate organ is a normal clean the period with more carefully.
It is recommended that women who are bleeding the soap, so feel free from itchy all day.
Use panty Liner
To reduce the Humidity in the area around the intimate organs of women, you should use a panty liner. A few days before and after menstruation, women usually experience the white to a normal (not disease) as a result of the influence of hormones.
At such, the panty liner is to help reduce the feeling of damp and wet in the panties. As well as sanitary, panty liner also should not be used continuously from morning to afternoon. Panty liner should also be replaced by day at a glance, even if visible, dry and clean, because it can only panty liner in the face of an a there is liquid water remaining white to an attached or chew.
For, if not immediately replaced, then the bacteria and dirt the contact with the back surface of the external vagina, and thus cause infection to an abnormal white.
Discharging continuously panty liner each day is also not recommended, because panty liner will cover the flow of water around so that the condition of the vagina become increasingly hot and humid.
Panty liner should not be used during the menstrual period but outside the time. Type what will be selected depending on the resilience of the skin and tastes of each woman. Clear that there are two options, namely that contains the scent and non perfume.
Usually, more women like panty liner with the scent. The reason they feel the organ intimnya become more like a fragrant powder.
Use of tissue to clean the vagina after the waste water does not make healthy small. This is because the tissue is not able to lift all the dirt that is still inherent in the intimate organ. In addition tisue also not sterile (germ free). It's made from tissue powder timber which can be tar blackened mushrooms at the time of the process for its pem. Clean the vagina with water will be better than the tissue. It is important to remember that after the wash vagina after a small void, should be dried vagina, do not let the wet in the vagina. Or, if Forced to use a tissue, preferably a wet tissue at first because tissue does not dry out the remaining me able to absorb urine and feces that stick around the vagina.
To clean the vagina with water should be done using a shower toilet. Pe spray is an outside face of the vagina and then rub it slowly with his hands. Because with all the polish the dirt will be expected to quit the better. Once again the tissue should be used to rinse the surface after the outside of the vagina with water and only purpose is to dry. In this case, the use of tissue does not contain perfume, and white. Because the tissue that does not contain chemicals that can cause irritation to the vagina.
Most important condition of women's intimate organs must be dry. For if damp or wet place can be a pro will grow bacteria and fungus. To Ensure that the remains are dry, use panty liner or tissue. Happy trying!
Most important condition of women's intimate organs must be dry. For if damp or wet place can be a pro will grow bacteria and fungus. To Ensure that the remains are dry, use panty liner or tissue. Happy trying!
Sanita More

What's your sex style?

10.38 Edit This

What's your sex style?

Like the ice cream has a different taste, sexual enjoyment also have a variety of fun and a sense that everyone has a favorite of each. A new style you only need if you want to increase the passion in your sexual relationship.

Here are some style sex, and you may be including:

If a pair together in the bed with respect to each other in the features, this will feel like a gugahan spritual. Spiritual Gugahan can develop into sexual intimacy when everything just feels very special and very loving.

Birahi sex may be a self-important and self-indulgence that will be lost slowly although lust itself is a way for someone to enjoy sex.

To be in the "mood" sex does not always have to serious condition. One pair can make with a laugh, joke kecerian full and this will bring more light atmosphere. Sexual lucu akan become cheerful, witty, and vivacious.

Women no longer as easy to fit the broken flowers, but do try a little tenderness in the bed. Sex is the opposite of the gentle sex birahi. Sex is done with tenderness and slowly filled with a light touch and soft.

Make with the softness is a good way to connect again after a dispute occurs. Sexual relationship this can be done by each with a touch of physical mengekspresi soft.

Appear angry sex with a warning. If you are very angry and want to return berbaikan, sexual relations can be done as a bridge to return to in a relationship. But if the problem can not be solved, this will be an error in which one or both of them eventually will feel tired.

You must want a change and then decided to try something new. Many things can be done, and often a couple more talented in this appeal in the other. A pair can make a list of sexual desire, this will be very exciting and full of intimacy.

Sanita More

8 KIAT Making The Vagina OK!

10.37 Edit This

8 KIAT Making The Vagina OK!

Degrees acidity vagina according to Dr Boy Abidin, SpOG approximately 7,1-7,3. To maintain stability, vagina health, women should understand the following:

1. Change the dressing as often as possible.
2. And have sex, the outside of the vagina should always be cleaned. "Of course not with the regular soap," said Dr Boy. We recommend using a special soap vagina.
3. Change in the pants at least 2-3 times a day.
4. Use of cotton panties that absorb sweat. When using a panty liner should be for 2-3 hours only.
5. No shorts of nylon, jeans, and the skin is too tight.
6. For women who have sexual and birth related, at least do the pap smear once a year. For those who have menopause, do 2-3 years.
7. Maintain normal body weight before. Do not make up overweight because vagina is so moist fold of fat.
8. Keep the body in general health with nutritious food mengasup balanced

Sanita More

Vagina Spa: washed, massaged, then Smoked

10.35 Edit This

Vagina Spa: washed, massaged, then Smoked

V-spa therapy takes approximately 2-3 hours. Not only spoiled the intimate organs, but almost the entire body. How does this sequence therapy? Let's see!
1. Consultation
Every care and maintenance of health needs analysis first. Early consultation with experts to be important to know the general condition of the woman. One of them to see if there is a specific disease associated with organ intimate. At this stage all the problems and desires can be participants therapy. Then therapeutist will provide technical guidance on the care and benefits.
2. Vulva Hygiene
Before therapy is started, the intimate Hygiene be the first focus. Treatment begins with cleaning the dirt from the vulva vagina with warm water wash containing herbal and aromatic oil.
3. V-Scrubing
Then the area around the intimate organs, such as bending thigh, stomach area, and buttocks, and areas that tend to be dark skin areas such as the axilla and breast, rubbed with spices such as scrub of sandalwood, aromatic roots, and roses. Scrub is useful to lift dead skin cells, skin and Refine mencerahkan.
4. Massage bioenergi
Let rileks body, smooth blood circulation, stamina and body vagina increase, followed by treatment aroma therapy massage. Pemijatan bioenergi with this technique is done on the entire body, especially the musculature basis pelvis.
5. Bathing jar
Done massage, followed berendam in a large jar containing the hot water ditetesi essential oil. While berendam, the therapy led to do meditation movement.
Movements that include muscle contraction to take basic pelvic, waist, in the thigh, outside thigh, knee, foot, vagina and the muscles. Step by step this is done with the breath while managing to feel really comfortable in the whole body. In this concentration, taste it, breath and walk over.
6. V-Steam (evaporation)
To merilekskan, smooth flow of blood around the vagina, and cause to fall by excess mucus in the vagina, vagina conducted steam. Steam-V to be in a position to sit and open tebar feet. Then the area around the intimate organs given warm vapor (steam) coming from the herbal ingredients and essential oils.
7. V-compress
To complete it, in a warm, herbal ingredients that have been packed as tea-bag, dikompreskan on the vagina and surrounding areas. Function as a brace or tonic to increase stamina vagina, antiinfeksi, and reduce inflammation or pain, if any.
8. V-fogging (fumigation)
Fumigation is done with the spices from burning black root, root, fragrant, and sandalwood in a heated vaporizer. This step is useful to improve stamina vagina, as antiseptic and keep the vagina Humidity.
9. In the treatment of
As in the treatment of, provided two different kinds of natural ingredients that work to improve stamina, is antiseptic, and body heat. Indonesia ingredients can be selected, for example, Turmeric and temulawak, or Chinese herb.
Sanita More

Want to do Baby, Wash Vagina with Soda?

10.35 Edit This

Want to do Baby, Wash Vagina with Soda?

T. I want to have baby boys. Is there a way so that I can get a male baby? I was told to clean the vagina with a soda if you want to son, and if you want to use vinegar daughter, what this is?

J. Quite correct that the nature of basa and acidity in the womb and the womb neck can pengaruhi sperm. Unfortunately, cleaning the vagina to rinse only alter the nature of acid and basa vagina and does not affect the nature of acid and basa womb and uterus neck. I would not recommend this method and is not 100% successful.

To select the gender, there are methods such as clinical or micro-election when the position have sex enough to help. However, all this method does not work 100% and there are some methods that are prohibited in some countries because of laws against gender selection.

Recognize "Pelicin" For Women
Not a secret anymore that the condition of the vagina is too "dry" can cause problems when exposed intimate. Therefore required "pelicin" (lubricant) to facilitate penetration.

Normally, inflame the situation, women's intimate organs remove the fluids or also called the term lubrikasi. However, there are some conditions that make it not smooth, because of factors such as infection around the vagina, lack of stimulus, or also because of factors menopause.

Use lubricant to make the sexual relationship was already very old, even in the book of Kamasutra has been Recorded. Use of lubricant is very easy, living in the vagina be smeared when intimate akan related. After, immediately wash clean.

There are many types of lubricant that is sold freely in the market, with all the advantages and less to it. Next of them:

1st Petroleum base
Lubricant with a petroleum base material is not recommended. Lubricant was likely mengiritasi vagina, can reduce the ability of sperm cells fertilize eggs, very not recommended to use the couple who want to be the occurrence of fertilization. After the paste in the vagina, with the lubricant base material is also difficult to be washed.

2. Oil base
Lubricant This natural oil-based, such as vegetable oil, to secure for the vagina. However, the use of this type of lubricant can reduce the ability of sperm so it is not recommended for couples who yearn pregnancy. In addition, primarily because of oil, lubricant is also difficult to be washed after the stick in the vagina.

3. Water base
Lubricant type this relatively secure until the recommended usage. Why are most secure? Because this type of lubricant from the processed water diionisasi and is not toxic nontoksik alias, and does not cause allergies and irritation invite. Lubricant type is usually slightly sweet taste and safe if swallowed. Even as the Variations, there are some brands that add flavor, taste like strawberry and orange.

4. Silicon base
Basically Silicon-based lubricant with a water-based lubricant. In addition to safe and does not cause irritation, this type of lubricant have the advantages of waterproof / water resistant. Lubricant, but this price is relatively more expensive, to the less popular.

Sanita More

Condoms Manjakani, More Hot Sex

10.31 Edit This

Condoms Manjakani, More Hot Sex

Property Manjakani as herbal fruits that can help kewanitaaan intimate organ elasticity already known since thousands of years ago. With the use of technology, property Manjakani now not only can be perceived by the Eve, but also indirectly help men and women of satisfaction when an intimate Hubung ber.

Yes, benefits manjakani has now been applied in the rubber or the male condom is used during intimate touch. Manjakani the use of extracts in the form of a male condom is indeed a breakthrough. During this time, plants that have the name of the original Mecca Manjakani only used as a traditional medicine by the Arabs, Iran, China, India, and Malay.

Thanks to the technology, the fruit extract manjakani taken its formulated in Lubricants and condoms. In this way, can extract manjakani absorbed directly by intimate female organs when exposed which in turn is expected to increase satisfaction and Intimacy.

"With the use of condoms manjakani, both parties are expected to get the same satisfaction when exposed. Manjakani Extract can not only known to help tighten vagina muscles, reduce to a white and reduce the liquid, but can also help to dry the vagina, "said Prof.. herbal specialist. Dr. Hembing Wijayakusuma, in Jakarta, Friday (6 / 6).

According Hembing, the use of time in the first mashed ago manjakani usually filtered before be smeared on the organ womanhood. There is also a guest on the manjakani to increase muscle elasticity area V. However, more Hembing, manjakani can not be used casually, as it must be formulated first, mixed with other herbal treated in accordance with the goals.

Manjakani on condoms, extract its property obtained in a silicon lubricant akan feels like powder or scrubs. According Hembing, this extract is rich in nutritious Substances as tannin which Astringent (straiteneth pore), the excess fluid and tighten vagina walls and increase density.

"Extract and later this feels like a scrub stimulates the vagina in the early-early, but does not cause irritation and because late or lost itself," said Prof.. Hembing.

Condoms Manjakani is produced by a Malaysian company, and will soon be widely marketed to several cities in Indonesia.

Manjakani, To have Miss V Always fast

Compared with the betel leaf, manjakani are relatively less known. But this is also nutritious plants to treat health intimate organ.

Caring for organ intimate with natural ingredients it has been performed since the ancients. The most popular is a betel leaf stew water to remove the white to an. In fact there are other materials to maintain the intimate organs, namely manjakani (oak galls).

For many centuries, plants have the name Mecca Manjakani this has been used in traditional medicine by the Arabs, Iran, China, India, and Malay. Although many growth in Indonesia, the plant manjakani have not known many people.

According to experts, traditional medicine, Prof. .. Dr. Hembing Wijayakusuma, such as betel leaves, manjakani can also clean the fungi and bacteria in the vagina area. "Manjakani actually better because it can be overcome by excess fluid in the vagina," he said.

the tannin rich Manjakani to tighten vagina muscles, vitamins A and C, calcium, protein, and contain elements Astringent to remove the causes bacteria to a white, and increase density.

In the first days of our forefathers with the way mashed manjakani be smeared on the organ before womanhood. There is also a guest on the manjakani to increase muscle elasticity area V.

"Manjakani can not be used as such, should be formulated first, mixed with other herbal treated in accordance with the goals," said Hembing. In addition to intimate organs, plants manjakani also effectively treat pimple, inflammation, and maintain oral Hygiene.

Sanita More

In order for The Vagina Healthy and Sexy

10.29 Edit This

In order for The Vagina Healthy and Sexy

Remember! Do not misuse your vagina. Screaming in pain is very different from the cry of delight. Uterus leading specialist, Dr. Suresh Nair explains the following with regard to pain in the vagina during a intimate relationship.

Lack of hormones on women who experience menopause cause dilution in the vagina wall, which is very similar, such as tissue paper. Scratches, small scratches can occur while doing intimate relationship, which can cause pain. To overcome this, women can use hormone cream to rejuvenate back wall of the vagina and improve comfort, such as before entering the menopause.

For young women, infection can usually cause the vagina inconvenience in doing intimate relationship. Vagina has good bacteria-bacteria, which is necessary to maintain the required acid and prevent infection. But the problem is caused Lifestyles, such as excessive stress, KB tabloids and health conditions such as diabetes and HIV kan men shriveled vagina can become excessive alkaline (basa). Fungus infections are in women who are also the pills that are consumed KB. This mostly occurred in those who live in the area of warm or tropical season, such as Southeast Asia.

Infection can cause a feeling of Intense itching, a thick keputihan-susu-white issue, and does not smell tasty, and even some cases the level of pain appears the intimate relationship that feels like punishment extraordinary. Vulva swollen and red can give a bacterial infection of the way up the ureter bacteria. However, infection of the vagina is easy to overcome. So, why punish myself? Contact your doctor right away!

Not only the infection that causes pain in the vagina during intimate touch. Growth or nodule on the sex or better known as the genital warts may also enjoy sex. Of small and white, grow in the vagina, cervix or vulva, caused by HPV, or Human Pappiloma virus, arising from the sexual activity that repeatedly

Sanita More

Basically, being a woman is god's most beautiful men to accompany.

10.25 Edit This

Basically, being a woman is god's most beautiful men to accompany.

In the lives of women and different conditions have created a variety of skin colors. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages of different.

Karana by that, if men want to give satisfaction to the party, you must first know the specific parts of the body's most sensitive woman.

According to some beliefs, women's skin color can let the body where the most sensitive.

With White
White women have a sensitive part in the whole body. If you feel it will make him satisfaction. In addition there are other parts of the most sensitive, namely the base of the stem until its in the thigh, the second breast, and his lips.

Women who have skin like this, the most sensitive rod is located on the neck, the area around the breast toward the bottom of the stomach and back.

With reddish
Women with redness, as white women, if the part is touched his breast in the thigh and its birahi Flare akan. In addition, women with the redness has unique advantages. Women will be sensitive when the backside it.

Hitam Manis with
Women of color are very sweet this is different from the other women with. This type of woman, the most sensitive in the region is only about Vagina. For that you must be smart "play" around his vagina.

From all types of skin color above, of not fully be the case. Because the woman however, satisfaction is only depending on how you share the love of the pair to create an intimate relationship of quality and harmony without coercion. I'm not correct?

Prevent Infection Natural Humidity Keep Vagina Vagina By arixs
Tuesday, 29-May-2007, 13:38:53 974 clicks

VAGINA is a female Reproductive organ that is very Vulnerable to infection. Boundary between the anus and uretra very close, such as fungus disease germs, bacteria, parasites, viruses and easy to burrow into the vagina. Therefore, women must be diligent in caring about his vagina Hygiene.
Infection in the vagina also occur due to pitch off his balance in the vagina's ecosystem. Ecosystem vagina is a circle of life that affected the two main elements, estrogen and bacteria lactobacillus bacteria or both.

Servik vagina wall and produce little or sekresi white colors. Sekresi this normal and a healthy sign to its areas around the vagina.

Taste and aroma sekresi vagina varied according menstruasi cycle and received an ransang sexual woman. Various factors that influence the imbalance in the vagina that is the use of chemical cleaning products in the vagina.

How Humidity is normal around the vagina needs to be guarded for the balance of vital organs and prevent the occurrence of female vagina infection which can cause the uterus neck cancer. Not to worry, the presence of natural cleaning products femininity LADYCARE become one of the solutions to maintain the natural moisture vagina.

LADYCARE is one of the solutions to overcome the various problems in the vagina. In addition to affordable prices, using the properties of this product has been able overcome the various problems to such an white femininity, does not eliminate odor and reduce mucus pe an sapid the excess in the vagina, maintaining the natural moisture vagina, treat itch - itch, and the vagina to make the meeting and legit.

A more profitable, LADYCARE can prevent infection and disease death, KANKER Neck womb.
LADYCARE processed in a modern and natural materials hygienis of betel leaf extract natural choice offering island of Bali.

LADYCARE contain fenol natural essence oil atsiri betel leaf that is natural antiseptic to help prevent and to overcome the white lance normal flora of womanhood.

LADYCARE contain 93% choice of betel leaf extract pH balance with a minimum of 3.5 in accordance with the normal flora womanhood. Do not use special pengharum so it does not cause irritation and vulvovaginitis. LADYCARE listed in Badan POM POM TR Tax 023 616 451 with the code TR (traditional) that are free from chemicals berlogo the special JAMU.

This product is produced CV Kartini Denpasar based on advice from experts and ginekkolog cancer. LADYCARE can be used adult female or young girls since the first menstruasi, pregnant women, the husband-wife pair.

Product LADYCARE Users
Property LADYCARE already evident. Following discussion Dewa Putu Ayu Rica Cahyaningsih, 18, student, Beng's Hamlet, Village Tunjuk Tabanan.
"I never use cleaning products feminize the other, but the result, the area around the vagina feel dry and itchy.

After trying to use LADYCARE, itchy-itchy and did not feel lost in the vicinity of dry vagina, "said Rika. Until now, Rika did not want to switch on the cleaning products feminize the other to maintain health in the region around his vagina .

LADYCARE you can get in all pharmacies, drug store, cosmetics store, salon, supermarket, minimarket, midwives village / city in the Buleleng Regency, and district / city in Bali, Surabaya, and other regions.

For more information contact:

Island Road No Saelus II. 11 Sesetan, Denpasar, telephone (0361) 228987 up Budhi Djasa (08123858485)
Service between Denpasar, Badung and the surrounding

Sanita More

health vagina for women

10.25 Edit This

health vagina for women

Many Indonesian women who have experienced harassment on women's issues, especially now when women equal with men, so many have problems in health vagina.Di busy period and that all this instant average housewives and career women forget the little local health women to its. se to
because of this, many of the husbands or male partners are reluctant to begin to reach happy to
in mahligai home ladder
. Might
this many people going in the capital, especially women who truly engage in work activities, so that the start does not read the health of organs its intimate.

Originally look good in the eyes of her husband or the couple, but will slowly become a very big problem in the future if not keep in good health with women's intimate organs.

Many women who complain about the problem of infection in the postwar its vagina
after menstruation. However in terms of medical to a white is divided into 2 things, namely:

- Normal white to an: when the cornea and does not smell
- Abnormal To a white: the mark with a thick fluid, and the smell
verdure and color

in the case of certain abnormal To a white on women, in sertai itchiness in the vagina, painful shoulders, the lower part of the stomach aches, and the possibility of blood when related to the intimate partner.

For the To a white Abnormal:
- Infectious Bacteria
- Jamur
- Parasitic

This of course should be in medicine
, because the risk can affect fertility and marital relationship as possible

some suggestions for remedial to a white among others:
- Vagina with antiseptic rinse for 2 consecutive days of
- Use a mild soap (not heavily) for the bath
- Shrink vagina after bath
- Rinse from the opposite direction from the vagina to the anus defecate out
- To maintain body weight
- Avoid the use of leggings
- Take the medicine and traditional herbal medicine doctor

On the Sensitive Women, Based on Skin Color

Sanita More

Measles immunization

10.24 Edit This

Measles immunization

Measles vaccine derived from a weakened live virus. Should be stored at a temperature of 2-8 C as the sun or heat can kill the measles virus vaccine. When you die before the virus before the vaccine injected, the vaccine will not be able to stimulate antibody formation in other words immunization fails.
At the time of the baby in the womb, the mother of a special antibody to measles channeled through plasenta baby or placenta and the baby will be born to live. At the age of 9 months, only about 10% of infants who still have any antibody from the mother.
If immunization is given at a baby that still had antibody from the mother, the formation of specific antibody as a goal of measles immunization itself may be delayed. Language kerennya, delay may increase the immunization figures serokonversi.
Royan said: meaning, if measles immunization was delayed, apparently form antibody is better
. But note, the delay immunization can lead to increased numbers in pain and death due to measles. WHO recommends immunization of measles at the age of 9 months in developing countries.
Measles immunization is given with the injection in the thigh or arm muscle up. Side effects measles are high fever, which occurred after 8-10 days after vaccination and lasts 24-48 hours (insidens around 2%), rash or The speck-The speck red for about 1-2 days (insidens 2%). Ynag side effects more serious, such as encephalitis (brain inflammation), very rare, less than 1 per 1-3 million doses given.

(source: immune system, imunisasi, and immune diseases. Prof.Dr.dr. A. Samik Wahab, Spa (K). Widya Medika)


gurah vagina for women's health

Gurah Vagina Cleaning is dirty or remove mucus through special massage massage around the thigh, pinggul, the lower part of the stomach, and around the vagina that contains a variety of diseases, due to excessive production of fluid or infection occurs in the vagina.

Gurah Vagina also call on the alternative and traditional healing, which consists of 3 types of healing techniques to the problem of women, among others:

1. reception in the herbal medicine in traditional racik to overcome from the inside

2. massage massage is believed to help in the smooth circulation of blood

3. Hundred perfumes, that is material to flush the spices and fragrant scent vagina in the fuel

Engineering techniques over the trust can reduce the risk of disease in the vagina may also help the women in the intimate organ.

Sanita More

Women's Compulsory examination

10.24 Edit This

Women's Compulsory examination

Question for you women, pregnancy outside of the examination, how many times you visit a gynecologist? Visits that I mean that is professional, of course. The majority of you will probably rarely or never, unless indeed have problems with reproductive organs. And I do not wonder with that. In Indonesia, Isn'T visit the gynecologist for a routine reproductive health, pregnancy checks are still difficult to reach women, especially those including the poor and rural areas. Or women may also be many who feel anxious and embarrassed themselves examined. But with the periodic examination, a woman can know the condition of organs and its reproductive if there abnormalitas can be treated before becoming serious.

One of the special examination that women can do is review pelvis or internal examination. Examination pelvis can be used to mendianosis pregnancy, infection vagina, uterus neck cancer (one of cancer death for women), some of the causes of Infertility and tumor womb. Insert IUD and the diaphragm is also through this examination.

How pelvis examination performed? When checked, the patient recumbent woman lying on the table with the check in buckling knee, foot and heel placed astride on the footrest. Doctor or nurse will start the review with the external structure inspect genitals, check the labia, vagina klitoris openings and to find out who have signs of infection, irritation, rash, swelling, etc.. Next, the thin rubber gloves inspector to enter a finger to check for vaginismus vagina or other abnormalitas (a story, perhaps a famous gynecologist in the jaws
been squeezed or fingers in vagina when checking the patient). After that, the instrument called a speculum is inserted in the vagina to loosen vagina wall. Sounds painful ya? But, although some women may feel a little uncomfortable, examination is not painful when instrumennya positioned correctly. Speculum have varied in size so that if one feels uncomfortable, the patient may have to change with the scale tool or more narrow.

With the speculum is inserted, neck and uterus can be observed do it in
outward Pap (Pap smear). Outward Pap dig was conducted with the neck area at the mouth of the womb using a thin wooden spatula. This procedure is quite painful and not just take two seconds. In fact many women do not realize that this procedure is kelar. Results are placed in the spread of microscope slides to analyze. Pap outward show embryo of the womb and neck cancer abnormalitas other. Generally, both outward also taken to check for signs of infection mikroskopik on sekresi vagina.

Then, brethren, the speculum from the vagina while the inspector see the vagina wall in case something is not normal. Nah, just after the examination is done by hand. Examiner to enter two fingers of gloved hand into the vagina, pressing down to the bottom of the stomach with one hand. In this way he can feel the size, shape and position of ovary, Fallopian tube and uterus. When this review takes place, the patient may feel that there are pressing, but not painful.

Such examination is a very private matter and not all of medical response and sensitive to the feelings of women when a road to its
, so important for women to find a doctor or nurse who can make them comfortable and can communicate with. If the patient is tense and anxious before the examination, muscle pelvisnya also tense, so inspection can not be very tasty. This situation can be avoided with patients to teach relaxation and examination is not in a hurry. Many patients also like when the inspector explains each step of the examination and the patient can watch through the mirror examination. I personally recommend that if possible accompanied the patient's husband or a friend not to worry, with a record of attendance only if the assistant can make the patient.

For you women who have been active in sexual abuse, examination and pelvis outward Pap advisable for you to do once a year. If you use a pill KB or genital herpes have a history, perform a Pap spread twice a year. Recommendations from the American Cancer Society is every woman age 20 and above should do the Pap spread once a year, when the result is negative two times in a row can make a new outward Pap every three years until age 65. Pelvis examination must be done as part of general health checks every three years for women aged 20-40 years, above 40 years need to check once a year. Then, there are several factors that will make you need to do more frequent inspections, the first sexual relationship at young age, sexual flit, Infertility, bleeding is not normal, history of genital herpes, Obesity, estrogen use, and growth.

Human Sexuality

Sanita More


10.23 Edit This


1. Nosebleed
Nosebleed or bleeding nose we often encountered in children. Nose bleeding occurred because tear it blood vessel in the nose cavity. Many children who have the blood vessel wall is thin, so easy to tear things as small, eg, heat, etc. collide. This you need to do when the child saw a nosebleed.

• I sit children with head droop (avoid the rear reproduce stimulate bleeding and vomiting.
• left-right nostril dipencet same time, and breathing through the mouth.
• Avoid to sneeze, cough, speak, swallow.
• Wait until 10 minutes. When the blood is still out, take it immediately to the nearest doctor.
• Use of traditional ways with the betel leaf, can help stop the bleeding because betel leaves contain substances that constrict blood vessel

2. Burns
The definition here is the burn wound caused all things hot.

First is first:
Keep sources of heat from the body of the victim. (move the victim, cut shirt, etc.)
Burn with cool running water for 10-15 minutes.
Avoid using toothpaste, ketchup etc. because there is no use and draggle / aggravate injuries.
Close with clean cloth / kassa when there exfoliate the skin.
Bring to a doctor.

3. Insects in Ear
Insects must be removed with mineral oil I will
(glycerol / liquid paraffin) or eardrops or clean water.
Leave the insects to die or exit. Marked with the feeling that there is no longer in the ear.
If not, do not perform any action for damage to the channel or membrane drum.
Bring to the nearest doctor.

Fainting is a situation where someone lost to realize its breath and pulse are still good people. Fainting can occur because of lack of oxygen to the brain. So when some people fainted, first you have to do is:
Baringkan position with the head lower than chest and legs. This is so that more blood flow to the brain.
Check breathing and its pulse
Clothing that is tight in a loose
When there is no other reason, will usually become conscious / aware after a few minutes.

5. Injuries
The definition here is the wound in the skin that lead to blister / skin tear it
Stop bleeding by:
Press wound with clean cloth and wound up to a position higher than chest. Make up to 10-15 minutes. If the wound still bleeding or visible network of torn skin, take it to the doctor for sewing wounds when required.
Clean the wound with sterile water / rivanol. Avoid the use of alcohol.
Its antiseptic (betadine, etc.).
Wound dressing.

Sanita More

Caring for the Women's Personal

10.11 Edit This

Caring for the Women's Personal

Beauty vagina has its own cleaning mechanism relying on the normal bacterial colony to maintain the balance of microorganisms in and around it. Balance can be disrupted if the vagina trollop. Use of wet pants or shorts are too tight, for example, can disrupt the balance of the vagina health. In certain circumstances, sexual health care is not enough just to clean the outside of the female sex. The beauty is in the vagina should.

There are several ways in the usual care for healthy vagina. Cleaning fluids healthy sex-specific manner its just a spray used to women in sex. Contain active ingredients that kill bacteria capable, bacteria, and fungi.

1. Rinse with a liquid vagina female health vagina for cleaning
Special cleaning liquid is used with the vagina healthy way to its just a spray in vagina sex. Contain active ingredients that kill bacteria capable, bacteria, and fungi. This fluid can be used in a few minutes.

2. Sinar Laser
Laser is required because the use of drugs in homicide beauty vagina bacteria usually take a long time, especially in case of drug resistance health vagina. For mild sexual harassment health, women's shooting vagina is usually done once for 15 minutes. 'When women have sexual harassment weight, takes tens of minutes with a shot several times in a few days. Beauty vagina drug also frequently given by the doctor after the laser firing.

3. Ozone therapy
Dr., Mulyadi Tedjapranata, MD, from Medizone Clinic, said that the method is the use of ozone therapy using liquid solvents, the withdrawal healthy vagina. By means of the so-called vaginal insufflations, ozone included sex with a healthy dose of appropriate cases.

4. Evaporation warm
Ritus in a traditional body treatment, evaporation usually used for hot sex woman. However, evaporation of women vagina clear ineffective to kill microorganisms.

5. Gurah vagina
Although not a few who are interested to try it, gurah health vagina still doubtful effectiveness. Moreover, it is clearly not a doctor.

6. Spa vagina
This method of treatment that combines healthy vagina various ancient therapy. There evaporation technique vagina sex or evaporation. There are also massage techniques akupresur the whole body and especially the vagina. There is also a kind of meditation movement or for special kegel vagina.

7. Kuras vagina
This is the controlling and cleaning up to the mouth, vagina and uterus cavity. Step into the action early in order to fungi or bacteria does not spread to the womb cavity or channel of eggs, which can cause sterility or infection that can trigger cancer.

Sanita More

Diseases avoid HIV / AIDS and the Virus H1N1

11.17 Edit This

Now this world is in uproar with his come-Pig flu so far, almost all over the world in a hubbub with this Pig flu. And what causes all this! edge we do not know. but this virus also causes traders in the world Pigs ber hurry to kill the Pig, a loss to this cause all the traders fled compang camping to avoid disease Pigs this Flu. ter a day change the world in this country got one more person get the disease again er Flu Pigs.
Come to make it an all ber State vigilant against Flu Pigs. Now this disease is swine flu began spreading in the

world. Body of the WHO Flu Pigs go to category five. Pig flu sekrang this is the fox by the name of the WHO H1N1 Virus ... Hopefully the health of the world will quickly finish it so that this H1N1 virus to be spreading to the world again ..
This is not the only disease that this H1N1 virus cause we spread, the year we also yesterday in come

with Bird Flu Virus, bird flu, but in this fast atassi By WHO.
Not only is it two to make a dead man, who now make this man die per day in the world, who can not count the number in it, whether that disease? This disease is drug addict drug addict is the disease that makes the whole world put it, but "drug addict is not just simply disappear. As we see now in this country Meksico one State to its mem fight the drug addict, but the country does not overcome his bias, not bias overcome

its no. all this because the head has not been a leader in the atasi finished, not only in Indonesia only Meksico in almost every news we only hear cases in the case televise nearly all of its drug addict, in Indonesia, including one of the country is one couch grass, which almost everyone ter this giur with this game.
But they do not know who will make the symptoms of death, not death only, making them more difficult to catch the pitch, so this is the cause of it if caught they will make the suffering in Jeruci Iron (prison). Those who play with the drug addict akan akan create brand base living with the disease who have not felt in. when already in their new sense of taste due to - its Drug daang it to the world that will protect you from the symptoms of this Drug.
Drugs of this game make the world with infectious symptoms of HIV / AIDS, which we spread HIV / AIDS because of this change tool - the tool we used drug addict with the same in the game, such as examples of the syringe.
Not only does HIV / AIDS come from the Games but the Drugs "HIV / AIDS is also coming from the free association that can not be in atasi, such as when we see this disease of HIV / AIDS is becoming aikon world to overcome the problem of HIV / AIDS this. Disease HIV / AIDS is very dangerous so ber jahu And Drugs such as the free association relationship ber of (Sex) is free. How free from HIV / AIDS Drugs and jahi SEX free.

You are the person who has been se akan infectious H1N1 virus, you can see the house - a hospital or company that sells anti - virus H1N1 medicine, or you se is the cause of infectious disease of HIV / AIDS medicines that have not met you can see the house - a hospital that sell drugs drugs drugs Or you can also come in place - a practice the International Your doctor can come and be able to contact them directly. You can see the place - a druggist - medicine infectious disease symptoms in this blogg, a nice quick recovery and for Drugs and sex-free relationship. So that is always healthy life from disease. I hope you can Drugs and Doctors - Doctors specialists for healing

Sanita More

Health Vagina Women
