Caring for the Women's Personal
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Caring for the Women's Personal
Beauty vagina has its own cleaning mechanism relying on the normal bacterial colony to maintain the balance of microorganisms in and around it. Balance can be disrupted if the vagina trollop. Use of wet pants or shorts are too tight, for example, can disrupt the balance of the vagina health. In certain circumstances, sexual health care is not enough just to clean the outside of the female sex. The beauty is in the vagina should.
There are several ways in the usual care for healthy vagina. Cleaning fluids healthy sex-specific manner its just a spray used to women in sex. Contain active ingredients that kill bacteria capable, bacteria, and fungi.
1. Rinse with a liquid vagina female health vagina for cleaning
Special cleaning liquid is used with the vagina healthy way to its just a spray in vagina sex. Contain active ingredients that kill bacteria capable, bacteria, and fungi. This fluid can be used in a few minutes.
2. Sinar Laser
Laser is required because the use of drugs in homicide beauty vagina bacteria usually take a long time, especially in case of drug resistance health vagina. For mild sexual harassment health, women's shooting vagina is usually done once for 15 minutes. 'When women have sexual harassment weight, takes tens of minutes with a shot several times in a few days. Beauty vagina drug also frequently given by the doctor after the laser firing.
3. Ozone therapy
Dr., Mulyadi Tedjapranata, MD, from Medizone Clinic, said that the method is the use of ozone therapy using liquid solvents, the withdrawal healthy vagina. By means of the so-called vaginal insufflations, ozone included sex with a healthy dose of appropriate cases.
4. Evaporation warm
Ritus in a traditional body treatment, evaporation usually used for hot sex woman. However, evaporation of women vagina clear ineffective to kill microorganisms.
5. Gurah vagina
Although not a few who are interested to try it, gurah health vagina still doubtful effectiveness. Moreover, it is clearly not a doctor.
6. Spa vagina
This method of treatment that combines healthy vagina various ancient therapy. There evaporation technique vagina sex or evaporation. There are also massage techniques akupresur the whole body and especially the vagina. There is also a kind of meditation movement or for special kegel vagina.
7. Kuras vagina
This is the controlling and cleaning up to the mouth, vagina and uterus cavity. Step into the action early in order to fungi or bacteria does not spread to the womb cavity or channel of eggs, which can cause sterility or infection that can trigger cancer.