8 KIAT Making The Vagina OK!
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8 KIAT Making The Vagina OK!
Degrees acidity vagina according to Dr Boy Abidin, SpOG approximately 7,1-7,3. To maintain stability, vagina health, women should understand the following:
1. Change the dressing as often as possible.
2. And have sex, the outside of the vagina should always be cleaned. "Of course not with the regular soap," said Dr Boy. We recommend using a special soap vagina.
3. Change in the pants at least 2-3 times a day.
4. Use of cotton panties that absorb sweat. When using a panty liner should be for 2-3 hours only.
5. No shorts of nylon, jeans, and the skin is too tight.
6. For women who have sexual and birth related, at least do the pap smear once a year. For those who have menopause, do 2-3 years.
7. Maintain normal body weight before. Do not make up overweight because vagina is so moist fold of fat.
8. Keep the body in general health with nutritious food mengasup balanced