Message. now we see! what happens to this day that we all know, the H1N1 virus that makes all countries to keep visitors from various countries who come in every airport. WHO says health H1N1 virus diseases are no 5 in the world. H1N1 virus has spread to Asia in

Measles immunization

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Measles immunization

Measles vaccine derived from a weakened live virus. Should be stored at a temperature of 2-8 C as the sun or heat can kill the measles virus vaccine. When you die before the virus before the vaccine injected, the vaccine will not be able to stimulate antibody formation in other words immunization fails.
At the time of the baby in the womb, the mother of a special antibody to measles channeled through plasenta baby or placenta and the baby will be born to live. At the age of 9 months, only about 10% of infants who still have any antibody from the mother.
If immunization is given at a baby that still had antibody from the mother, the formation of specific antibody as a goal of measles immunization itself may be delayed. Language kerennya, delay may increase the immunization figures serokonversi.
Royan said: meaning, if measles immunization was delayed, apparently form antibody is better
. But note, the delay immunization can lead to increased numbers in pain and death due to measles. WHO recommends immunization of measles at the age of 9 months in developing countries.
Measles immunization is given with the injection in the thigh or arm muscle up. Side effects measles are high fever, which occurred after 8-10 days after vaccination and lasts 24-48 hours (insidens around 2%), rash or The speck-The speck red for about 1-2 days (insidens 2%). Ynag side effects more serious, such as encephalitis (brain inflammation), very rare, less than 1 per 1-3 million doses given.

(source: immune system, imunisasi, and immune diseases. Prof.Dr.dr. A. Samik Wahab, Spa (K). Widya Medika)


gurah vagina for women's health

Gurah Vagina Cleaning is dirty or remove mucus through special massage massage around the thigh, pinggul, the lower part of the stomach, and around the vagina that contains a variety of diseases, due to excessive production of fluid or infection occurs in the vagina.

Gurah Vagina also call on the alternative and traditional healing, which consists of 3 types of healing techniques to the problem of women, among others:

1. reception in the herbal medicine in traditional racik to overcome from the inside

2. massage massage is believed to help in the smooth circulation of blood

3. Hundred perfumes, that is material to flush the spices and fragrant scent vagina in the fuel

Engineering techniques over the trust can reduce the risk of disease in the vagina may also help the women in the intimate organ.

Health Vagina Women
